about the program
The Pure Imagination program is designed to:
- Encourage and teach children to be generous. Inspire creativity and entrepreneurship by coming up with fundraising ideas and carrying them out.
- Increase awareness of Pure Imagination's mission.
- Expose otherwise healthy children to other children within our community that are struggling with a life adversity, usually a chronic or terminal illness and inspiring them to embrace hope.
- Foster the value of community service by providing children with hands-on experience in helping chronically or terminally ill children by creating experiences beyond their imagination.
Children enrolled in the program meet the following criteria:
- Are committed to helping others and being involved in the community.
- Have a generous and creative spirit.
Based on their contribution level and commitment to the program, children are chosen to participate in various Pure Imagination events - and truly see how their generosity affects other children. The opportunities that are available for fundraising activities through this program are endless, anything from a “penny war” or bake sale to a dance marathon or student/teach game – It’s all up to your imagination!